Thursday, May 10

big changes :o)

yo guys,

Just wanted to mention a few small, but important changes to the site.

1. I have added a few small advertising banners. This will increase the site's revenue, and allow us to operate. Quite frankly, we have been losing money for a while now, and this will help us get back on our feet, and continue to provide you with the same great blogging you've come to expect. I hope you will find that they are chosen to be tasteful, and do not distract from the blog itself.

Please don't hesitate to visit our wonderful sponsors.

2. I have set up a PayPal donation service for the site. As mentioned above, this will help increase revenue for the site, and allow us to add new great features that would not be possible without some extra cash float. This would allow me to post additional material, since I would have more time to blog and less time to worry about making rent :o).

Suffice to say I feel that any true Nate fan will contribute. Suggested donation is $5 (CAD)-- just give up one lunch out and you can support your favourite blog.

3. User "Louisa Cohen" is BANNED from nathanjoseph.blogspot (this site) until further notice. This is due to repeated forum abuse. A number of users have reported harassment. Louisa has a penchant for actively seeking confrontation, and I do not feel that is condusive to fostering the diverse blog community nathanjoseph hopes to be.

Louisa Cohen, you and your nasty remarks are no longer welcome here.

4. There is no #4 :o) (g)

okay guys, see you soon, remember to support our great sponsors



"When you go to bed/ and you're tucked in tight/ Let a lub-dub lullaby/ Rock you all night." - Fred Penner

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