Wednesday, May 9

I'm baaa-aaaaack

comma esta, babies!

I missed you!

I just got back from Philidelphia, where I had a very successful weekend. Though I did not make the cut to day 2, I went 3-3 (3 wins, 3 losses,) and made a healthy $350 and finished in a cool 151st place (out of 300+!) Sweet.

The trip was a blast, Philidelphia's an amazing city. The culture is so diverse.

They took a ton of pictures of me in the coverage, so I'll post a couple here soon in case you guys want to check 'em out.

I did some serious soul-searching on the way back. I want to take this blog to the next level in the next couple days. Expect some very cool changes :o).

Still no word from Nathan. I know he's really busy, but this is getting weird.



"we are the champions/ we are the champions/ of the world" - Queen

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