Friday, May 4

Philidelphia ho!!

hey gang!

Well, judging from the comments, it seems like everyone enjoyed yesterday's hilarious update. Who needs Nathan? (g)

Speaking of Nathan, I'm actually getting a little worried. He said he was going to keep me posted, but I haven't heard anything in a couple days. Hope he's okay. It's not like him to let down the blog readership...

I'm going to be out of commision for a couple days myself as I'm heading to sunny Philidelphia for Magic: the Gathering's 2005 Pro Tour Philidelphia.

Oh, did I not mention the fact that I am a professional card player ;o)?

This year's tournament has a $203,000 cash purse plus additional bonuses! Is any of that for me? Only time will tell! I am mentioned in a preview article for the event, perhaps because of my allegiance with a strong guild of other Magic card players, known as TOGIT (the only game in town.)

"The aforementioned TOGIT/Dutch squad features a plethora of the game's best players and top deck designers, from Osyp Lebedowicz and Eugene Harvey on the TOGIT side to Canadian evil genius Jeff Cunningham to the Dutch mad scientist Frank Karsten." -Pro Tour Philidelphia Preview

Damn straight! ;o) (g)

You can follow me at the event by checking the coverage at on Friday and Saturday!

Wish me luck!



"think i'm going for a walk now/ i feel a little unsteady/ i don't want nobody to follow me/ 'cept maybe you" - Ani

1 comment:

  1. Jeff,
    Wanted to say that I think you are doing a super job. Judging from the success
    of popular t.v. spinoffs such as "Fraiser", "Joey", and "Dr. Phil I think you
    should start your own blog. Just a thought.

    PS- I think card games are a bit gay.
