Wednesday, April 20

a comment about comments...

seriously guys, this is bs. this blog is supposed to be fun. it is not a forum for making crude remarks about the people in pictures/articles. i want to have the comments feature on my blog because i am a fan of conversation, not slander. right now, i am on vacation with my mom in san francisco; having to delete comments from my blog is not how i'd like to be spending my time.

this is post is not for everyone. most of you are posting some great comments that really add to the blog's spirit. but those who are using my blog as a medium for hate mail, it really isn't cool and i do not appreciate it. you know who you are.

i dont want to have to eliminate the comments feature, but if i have to, i will. from now on, let's keep it clean. thanks.



  1. are you for real?

  2. dear "anonymous"

    I assure you nathan is indeed "for real" so you'd better adjust your rotten attitude.



  3. Hey Buddy, take a hike!

    (to anonymous)


  4. Hey Adam,

    I'm not your buddy,

