Friday, April 15

David representing Canada

My first cousin, David, representing Canada at the most recent 'Magic the Gathering' tournament. (article to follow)

Round 3: Sergao Villa vs. David Fielder
Jason Grabher-Meyer
April 09, 2005

David Fielder is a 21-year-old student and security guard. “I don’t really guard anything per se. Basically, I get paid ten dollars an hour to play Settlers of Catan. No wait, don’t put that in! My boss’ll read it!”

We put it in anyway.

Sergao Villa is a seventeen-year-old student from Spain, which means that, like David Fielder, he wouldn’t be returning to a job on Monday.

Both players dropped Alfred Pennyworth on turn 1. On turn 2, Villa played Mirage and flipped The Brave and the Bold...

to read the rest of the article, visit

1 comment:

  1. this game is not actually "Magic: the Gathering." It's a different TCG (trading card game) from a different company (Upperdeck,) called "Marvel Versus."

    Magic: the Gathering deals with traditional fantasy creatures (elves, ogres, vampires, etc,) whereas Marvel Versus deals with characters from the Marvel comics universe (Spiderman, Wolverine, Thanos.) Players draw two cards a turn instead of one, and both players start at 50 life points instead of 20 in Magic. As you can see the games are pretty different!!

    Just thought I'd point that out.

    Jeff Cunningham
