Sunday, April 17

happy birthday, Jeff!! (left)


  1. Jeff, tell the cleaner to go light on the starch next time, loosen's only a birthday

  2. Louisa,

    I was slightly upset that day because I had just found out that my dog had died. I guess that is no excuse to be unhappy on my birthday, though. Thank you for your advice.



  3. Jeff,
    My deep condolences. I however think tht Nathan Fielder was extremely insensitive in posting a picture of you during a moment of saddness; therefore, allowing others to comment. Due to egging on, and peer pressure, I succumbed to writing this- albeit only a joke


  4. Louisa,

    Thank you for your apology. It is appreciated and I accept.

    While I feel many of Nathan's pictures of me are posted in poor taste, I am not asking that he remove them. Being a proponent of free speach, this would contradict many of my values. Nathan likes to take and post pictures of me when I am sad; that is his right. It does make me feel a little crummy sometimes though! ;o)

    Also, in light of your honesty, I would like to make a confession. I was not just sad because my dog had passed away, but also because I had secretly liked the girl to my right for many years and hanging out with her and her boyfriend always gets me a little down.



    "so much to say so much to say" -Dave Matthews
