Sunday, April 3


Transcription of a drunk conversation with some strangers that I recorded on my digital camera (note - those with names are in my crew):


Drunk 1: (unintelligible)

Several people laugh.

Adam: Are you kidding? I’m Mister Un-prejudice. You see that guy? That guy---

Drunk 1: This guy’s so full of prejudice!!!

Adam: You see that guy who just walked away? That guy is Prince Prejudice.

Drunk 2: Really?

Adam: I don’t know.

Drunk 1: This guy’s so full of prejudice!!!

Drunk 2: He’s taking a video of you man.

Drunk 1: This guy’s so full of…

Adam: Is he?

Drunk 2: You’re gonna be on Mad TV or something.

Adam laughs.

Drunk 1: This guy’s so full of prejudice!!!

Drunk 3: This guy’s full of…

Jeff: Bull shit!!!

Drunk 3: Your gonna be on like… like… like… I don’t know… Dukes of Hazard one day or something.

Nathan: Isn’t that show cancelled?

Drunk 1: He’s so full of prejudice!!! He’s fulla shit man. This guy…


Adam: I can’t take this abuse. I can’t take this abuse. I love all people.

Drunk 2: Why are you trying to hug him? Why you trying to hug him?

Drunk 3: He can’t… He can’t… He can’t take this abuse.

Drunk 2: You don’t know him. You’re such a slut.

Drunk 1: I’m just kidding man.

Adam: Alright.

Drunk 2: Why are you a slut? Why you trying to hug him?

Drunk 1: He’s a cool guy, man.

Drunk 2: Why you trying to be a slut?

Drunk 3: He’s the random white guy.

Drunk 1: He’s a cool guy. He’s the random white guy. He’s like Alvin.

Drunk 2 laughs.

Drunk 1 (cont’d): Gordie (sp?) knows. Gordie knows who Alvin is.

Jeff: You guys are all just brown guys, and that’s the random brown guy.

Drunk 1: He’s the random token…

(unintelligible words, multiple speakers)

Drunk 3: We’re all random.

Jeff: No, you’re just like… you’re just like… we’re all like…

Drunk 2: Actually, me and him and him are all drug dealers.


Nathan: Ahh, you guys have any cocaine?

Drunk 2: No, we’re in pharmacy.

Nathan: Oh. Awkward.

Jeff laughs.

Drunk 2: Well we know how to make it from scratch.

Drunk 4: That was clever.

Drunk 2: Can’t tell you though, for your own safety.

Nathan: Do you, do your…

Adam: Do some of your classmates try to make their own formulations out of class equipment?

Drunk 2: Ah, one guy did. No, one guy like in California did, and then he got…


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