Sunday, May 15

i'm back!

kay, thanks for all the help adam LN. good stuff.

well... i'm back for good now people, so that means more photos and less drama. remember, this blog is for you - the readers. so if you have any suggestions or feedback, please write it in the comments section. i love to hear from you guys!!!

thank you all for your continuous support. it's good to be back.



  1. Why would you stand on a car? Is this your idea of being funny? I hope not because I don't find it funny; in fact, I find it outright offensive. This photo says to me that your trying to send a message -- I'm Nathan, look at me, I'm on a car above the rest of you. Well I got news for you. Just because you stand on a car doesn't mean men have more moral worth than women. Get bent.

  2. At least Jeff used proper punctuation in his posts...this is bush league.

    Earth to Nathan- you might want to "invest" in the Caps Lock key once in a while (if your using a Dell 5150 laptop it is on the far left, three rows up from the bottom)

    PS- I think Volvo's are Gay

  3. what the hell?

  4. Why has the world gone berzerk?
    Sometimes I just want to take a watering-can and break it into tiny pieces... but I can't. Life doesn't allow for such conveniences.

  5. dear anonymous (first comment),

    i was not trying to send a message of superiority by posting this picture. im just standing on a car.

    i feel like your comments are just facetious speculation, and thus cannot be taken seriously. do not slander women on my blog please.

    also, i do not know why, anonymous, you feel the need to publicly degrade my work. i enjoy life, and try to live it to its fullest. this blog merely acts as a record (and proof) of this. unlike some, i opt not to live life vicariously; instead of reading a travel narrative, i actually travel.

    from now on, please try keep your jealousy bottled in, or try punching a pillow or something.

    thank you for your cooperation.


  6. Nathan, when are you going to junk that piece of shit?

  7. i currently have no plans to dispose of the volvo. please limit profanities.


  8. A defense of travel narratives:

    My first reason why I think one should read travel narratives is that it offers different and unique perspectives towards travel. For example, in Robin Davidon's travel narrative, Desert Places, one reads about Davidson taking on a magazine assignment to accompany the nomads of Rajasthan (a region in western India) on their yearly migration cycle. It is very interesting to read about a female's perspective as I am a male and could not have such an experience easily, nor would I want to; however, it is a fascinating book and I recommend it.

    My second reason why I think one should read travel narratives is that often one does not have the time or money to go traveling. The travel narrative provides a way to learn about people, cultures, ideas etc. Ultimately this broadens one's worldview, which I am in full support of.

    My third reason why I think one should read travel narratives is that it allows the reader to go back in time and read about different time periods; that is, travel narratives are historical. For example, by reading Captain Vancouver's travel narrative one gains knowledge of the epoch. In order to form a genealogy of colonialism and other such ideas, travel narratives are an essential component towards such research.

    That is why I think one ought to read travel narratives.

    I am only jealous that you still have the oppertunity to dip your toes into the travel narrative genre for the first time; savour the moment, it goes by so quickly.

  9. can we get a defense of Shepherd's pie?
