Tuesday, May 31

what Jeff will never be getting


  1. [crossposted to yesterday's picture.]


    I'm warning you one more time before I go completely @pe$hit: send me the mug I rightfully earned.



    no song lyrics

  2. un-#@*#ing-believable.

  3. Nathan,

    I think Jeff's hostility is preventing the majority of the readership from posting on this blog.

    His negative energy has even caused ME to possibly discontinuing my viewing of this website.

    I'm considering mailing him the mug. Solely as a random act of kindness.

    What are your thoughts?


  4. Would it really be a random act if the motivation for it was based upon alleviating your feelings of unease while browsing the blog?
    :just some food for thought:

  5. Ryan,
    You definately should give Jeff the mug, if not for his wicked caption, for the overall contribution he has given to this blog.

    Who fuckin' cares if Jeff uses profanity once in a while. He is able to utilize these words effectivly and tastefully to communicate his feelings.

    Personally I think it is 60% faggy to not use profanity.

    Show the world Jeff, show the world.


    Yag Si Etan

    "Your mom goes to college"
    -Kip, Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

  6. yes Ryan send me mug

    Jeff Cunningham
    3826 w. 18th
    Vancouver BC Canada

    thank you



  7. Ryan,

    If you respect me and what this blog stands for, you will not send the mug to Jeff. You won the mug fair and square - it is yours.

    In the face of pre-set (and explicitly stated) fair boundaries, it would be a step in the wrong direction to give into pressure rather than principal.

    You will just be teaching Jeff that if he whines like a baby, he will get what he wants in life. Do us all a favour by keeping the mug. It is your trophy.

    Jeff, what good is an Olympic gold medal around your neck if you finished the race in last place? It is what the mug represents that is important, and even if Ryan were to give you it to you, you still would not have the title of the May 2005 NTCC Winner. You lost. Give it up. And please spot posting on this blog.

    I am serious about this. It is your last warning. I still have the photos of you from my sister's party. I'm sure you don't want those posted on the blog for all to see. Cut your losses now and salvage whatever reputation you have left by leaving this blog alone.

    If you post again, under any alias (Jeff, Anonymous, Yag Si Etan, etc) then I WILL post those photos.

    Do not test me Jeffery, I am dead serious.


    head blogmaster

  8. I will not post again. Sorry. Do not post pictures. Last post.


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Ryan,
    How did you receive the mug so quickly? I didn't realize the mail was so fast, especially for a package!!


    "my sticky paws were into making straws out of big fat slurpy treats
    an incredible eight foot heap
    now the funny glare to pay a gleaming tear in a staring under heat"

  11. JJ,

    Most national delivery/ postal services provide same day delivery. I personally swear by Fedex Canada for this service. They provide an excellent same-day courier to almost anywhere within British Columbia. The items sent are always fully insured against any damage or loss. The only disadvantage, I find, is the cost. But if you appreciate rapidity, then I am sure that the value is obvious.


  12. Nathan,

    I'm sorry, but I can't hold it in much longer...

