Wednesday, June 29

june ntcc winner!

Hey everyone!

Wow, there were so many great entries in the caption contest. It was hard to choose a winner. But I had to so here it is:

The winning caption in the June NTCC and the coveted coffee mug is:


posted on June 24, 2005 at 6:12 PM by ANONYMOUS.

Would the Anonymous that posted this comment please reveal yourself in the comments section of this post (also, email me your mailing address so i know where to send your mug!!).

Great job by everyone and thank you for all the contest entries!! Stay tuned for the next NTCC coming sometime in July.





  1. this was Scott's..

  2. Hi everyone,

    A special hello to Nathan; he made this all possible. Keep on bloggin Nate, keep on bloggin.

    I am posting to claim my prize! Feels good to type that. Wow! It's nice to finally get some acknowledgement for my hard work. I have long been playing this game of wit and tenacity.

    The Globeandmail denied me several times when I tried my hand at their own version of this contest. I thought it was time to move on, but then I realized Nathan's site deserves my attention. He puts in so much work, which enhances my life; It was only natural for me to want to give back.

    Finally my aspirations of having my own caption publicly acknowledge has come true through Nathan's own blog; who would have guessed that 2 years ago!

    It always feels good to be given praise, but especially when that praise is from your peers. It is precisely this aspect of winning this contest that I value so dearly.

    It's hard to believe that I was ready to put away the pad and paper. I went through a period where all these contests were viewed superciliously, but thankfully I came to my senses.

    I can only say that it is through pure desire and will that I got to where I am today; Plus, my genetically endowed wit and tenacity in accordance with a hospitable environment towards learning.

    Big ups to all the other contestants. I guess when you got it, you got it and when you don't, you don't...what else can I say? Better luck next time.

    Keep on Bloggin it up Nate.

    Peace and chicken grease,


  3. congrats scott!!

    your mug is in the mail.


    p.s. just wondering... are you asian? because i think i met you at a party once.
