Tuesday, July 5

msn logs

nathan says:

adam says:

adam says:
what's up?

nathan says:
i realized that i actually don't have any friends, just acquaintances, so i end up calling my closest acquaintances my friends.

adam says:
sure, acquaintance. it's all academic

nathan says:
i guess it's all relative, so f#ck it.

adam says:
what's a friend supposed to be?

adam says:
someone so close that you give them a [sensored] but you just don't quite finish?

adam says:
cause that would be lover

nathan says:
im not sure, but here is what i do know: a lot of people have a lot more [sensored] than i do.

adam says:
you sound kind of depressed tonight

nathan says:
i've never done [sensored], but i often pretend that i have in conversations

adam says:
have you ever done 'deep and insightful conversation?'

adam says:
'with a human regardless of sex or gender'

adam says:
that's a good one

nathan says:
yes, tonight in fact. with a girl named krista. about religion and spirituality.

nathan says:
i have decided to buy this computer to replace my compaq...

nathan says:

adam says:
perfect, that will turn your life around

nathan says:
i hope so adam. because currently i am depressed.

nathan says:
i have eaten 2 chocolate bars in the last 4 minutes

adam says:
write that on the blog

adam says:
nathan says: (2:30:21 AM)
i have eaten 2 chocolate bars in the last 4 minutes

adam says:
nate, it'll be ok. you're a f@cking genius

nathan says:
i dont know weather to swear at you or thank you


  1. you haven't lived until you've done anal! One day Nate...

  2. this site's kind of becoming a downer.

  3. Adam knew you were a genius way back when, he better get producer credit on NFY or something

  4. @B.Fogarty does "consulting producer" count? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1081755/?ref_=ttawd_awd_2
